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6 SEO Tips help to Rank your Website on Google First Page

6 SEO Tips help to Rank your Website on Google First Page:

Hence, a visibility score shows how well your keywords rank in SERPs. On the other hand, SEO aims to boost website rankings on search engines like Google. Providing fresh, updated and relevant content can help your website rank higher and be noticed.

How you can increase your Website’s Google Visibility

We’ve detailed 6 tips that will help to Rank your Website on Google First Page. These techniques are very effective, but it requires some time to study them carefully. It is recommended to start with these before you move on to more advanced strategies.

Here are the top tips:

1- Stay Optimized For Google Search Console

When people go to a company’s website in order to do business, they look for more information or contact them. According to Google Search Console, if a site has many pages, Google will show them most relevant results. Furthermore, if a page has bad title tags, descriptions, and images, it won’t rank on search engine result pages. You can use its tools to identify what keywords users see your website with. Also try the keyword variations on the first page of your webpage. This way, Google can also understand what pages a user will find and which ones not to click on.

The following is an example of a quality meta description. It lets users know about the subject of the page and the keywords the web page covers.

2- Make A Schema Markup Your Webpage (HTML Sitemap)

Google understands different attributes of its crawlers so it knows exactly what kind of items they look for when they visit a website. When a person visits a specific page, he will enter the URL that describes the page. The website also makes metadata about the pages. The most important part is the schema, which defines what pages are there. Most of the time, this is a small field. In HTML Site Map, we add one. We define what pages should have unique URLs and what aren’t. Let our users know how much space our pages need on their browsers in case they want to access any other page on the internet. For example, we can indicate the name of the company is used by adding “BANK: Bank of America”.

3- Use Keywords With Exact Matching Terms

Once you create a sitemap with all of the pages you want Google to index, add keywords that will be searched. Then, put the exact match terms and keep repeating the process. If it isn’t necessary, don’t include words that already exist. If Google searches for bank and asks, then it will be able to figure out how to show the bank’s homepage page as well as other websites linked to it from all over the Internet. We’ve added words such as “BANK”, “Banks”, “Bank of America”, “Phelps Bank”, and “Bank of California”. Don’t think only about the terms of your products.

4- Be Consistent And Add Unique Content

For Google, the website doesn’t care about whether a website has a lot of pages of similar content. But, when you provide lots of content on each page, the ranking algorithm will understand that this is another page and it will show up as high priority. If you add new words, your pages will also become good quality on the search engine.

To improve your Google rankings, ensure that only keywords with matching terms will be shown on your website. However, write in an easy-to-remember style. Don’t make complex things too hard. Keep creating pages that contain unique content. There are thousands of books written about writing, but there are few guides that explain how to start with writing simple ideas. Try to produce engaging content and avoid boring topics.

5- Use Anchored Keywords

Another way to increase organic traffic is through anchors. An anchor is a word or phrase used on a link to redirect people to another webpage or a particular document. Suppose you have a product called Blueberry Muffin. You can create an anchor and direct people to go to as soon as it is clicked. That way, anyone who clicks the link is redirected to the right web page. Because of the word “Blueberry Muffin”, they immediately realize what they will find at the end of the page.

6- Share Related Pages or Products With Different Categories

When we link to something, the link itself connects us to related pages or pages. When we discuss our hobbies with friends, we will have a list of related items because the topic has many subcategories. People visit a website to know what the thing they’re interested in is, but there’s always a choice for where to go or go to.

If you want to attract the attention of customers to buy, use related categories as well. Show the different kinds of choices. People like the variety of choices, so add related categories that are less common to be popular. If it will take more than 20 minutes to open the second page of your webpage, try providing links that have those pages.

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